1) I don't like poetry.

2) that was insanely gorgeous poetry. thrilling and smart. I loved it.

3) thank you.

4) may the gods grant you items from that list. As many items as there are gods. Plus one for good luck.

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May all your wishes come true. Your beautiful poetry reminded me of childhood enchantments. Thank you for being a light in this time of horror.

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Thank you for this gift, this salve, this brilliant shopping list of a poem. Reading it felt like your description of item 22: I crossed its threshold and felt safe. I know it will appear and reappear in my mind, space immaterial, with wonders and room for me always. Thank you, thank you. May these impossible joys and more someday find you and insist on their possibility after all.

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Each want was so beautiful and kind and funny. I hope you get something. I hope we get peace someday.

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A dream of mine: I was somewhere, talking with people I was only acquainted with, but was enjoying talking to, when I spied stalks of asparagus sprouting from the ground just beyond the feet of the people I was talking with. I excused myself, broke off the stalks, steamed them gently in a galley kitchen full of warm, loved wood, and then ate them with butter. They were delicious.

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This is an incredible piece. Everything you want is so good. I want you to have all the things you want. My heart is so heavy right now it’s like a bowling ball on my chest. What I truly want it seems I cannot have, which is for all the people in the world to get a freaking break.

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This feels very Calvino-esque - I liked it a lot.

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that destroyed me

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they've possibly rediscovered Silphium! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mkm7tn_2mM

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oh my heart.

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Absolutely lovely. Thanks for sharing with those of us who can’t afford a paid subscription.

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A gift indeed! Wonderful piece. I've sent it all around the world.

I love your big, compassionate heart as well as your brilliant, word play mind!

Yashar koach,


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This is great! Thanks for inspiring me to write my own list.

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Thank you for making your voice heard at this time; the emotions are very fraught, but as you point out, millions may be displaced, and so many thousands might die. Not numbers, but people.

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17 and 22, especially, but all of it.

And as the child of a Moby Dick-obsessed mother, the cold room and the blankets.

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