People 'fraid 'bout stuff. Other people paid to make 'em 'fraid. What a grift.

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The rest of us need to understand that school board elections are not unimportant. They are stepping stones to higher office and have immense power to affect the education of kids in the community. Register to vote if you’re not and pay attention to who is running.

Do not let the minority of nutcases take over school boards because the majority is apathetic.

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So I’m guessing that you see nothing wrong with the Central Planners marching out the Gestapo to investigate parents at these meetings? I’m sure these white devils need to be put in their place. Possibly we could force them to wear a crucifix on their clothing, you know, just to make them more visible to the authorities and the “ good people” of the community. I did note that you identified these vermin “ white faces splotched in red”. We could break out their windows in their homes and businesses too. I’ll stay tuned.

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lmao calm down with that persecution complex bucko

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Dish it out, but gagging on my reply, buckette?

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White Christians are the dominant culture in this country, and your reality checks are bouncing.

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My sword is like a ban hammer for chuds like you :)

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Great article, Talia!

"The specter of Communist influence," "racial integrity," wide spread propaganda, intimidation through threats and violence; it all sounds way too much like the fascist movements of the last century. In the Nazi propaganda it was "Bolshivek Jews" or Communism, "racial hygiene" instead of racial integrity, added to the rest of their propaganda, and topped with intimidation and violence. Of course, "Why We Fight" is a rip off of the features filmed during WWII, by the Department of War for the military, eventually shown to the general public.

It's also come to light that many "protesters" are an organized group of provocateurs sent out to rile up the masses.

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