Aug 4, 2023Liked by Talia Lavin

I'm intrigued! I've never had a Fluffernutter, not sure I'd ever heard of it until now. But I added marshmallow fluff and bread to my shopping list. I don't eat bread often nowadays but I'm ALL IN and I have a jar of Justin's crunchy peanut butter waiting in my fridge. (I have Skippy but it's for the squirrels.) You're obviously never too old to enjoy a taste of kidhood, even if it isn't one's own. Excellent piece, excellent guest author. Thanks!!

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This post inspired me to pick up fluff on my way home from work. A completely pointless substance, devoid of any nutritional value - it sure tastes good - just like the USA.

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I've never had a fluffernutter, but now I want one.

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As a Brit, I never developed a taste for peanut butter (the mere smell of it makes me run from the room!) but since I moved to America I certainly have developed a taste for marshmallow fluff and sauce and so on! I couldn't have a fluffernutter but now you've got me thinking about what else might be good in a sandwich with fluff...

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Great to read this. I (raised in Kansas) had never heard of a Fluffernutter until I met my husband, who was from the same area as your father. I never did understand the appeal, but I appreciate the description.

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Please give Dad a big hug and tell him Thank You! :)

I showed this to my wife who grew up eating fluffernutters, she said he nailed it, good times <3

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