May 30, 2023Liked by David Swanson

Well done overview of boycotting! One that was left out was the grape boycott here in California, when the United Farm Workers were getting going. I remember going to grocery stores in the 1960s and seeing table grapes rotting and stinking up the produce section. The boycott was quite effective, so much so that it was decades before anyone in my family ever bought grapes again.

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Tiny geography correction. Ennis is in County Clare. Boycott lived in Mayo. Sorry for being that guy. Also the Dunnes Stores workers in Ireland organising a boycott of apartheid South African products in the 1980s is worth a read.

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I always appreciate a fact check

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Can't help but think of Aristophanes play Lysistrata. That was a boycott that worked!

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Great article!

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It's a good article, but we just got our finances cut. And this unfortunately means you. 😢

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