Most excited to be able to read your enlightening and delicious content. Is there a possibility you might expand from sandwiches into soups? It is a goal of mine to one day taste your egg lemon soup.

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Do not worry on that score. SOUPS WILL BE ADDRESSED.

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Excellent. Our mutual love of borscht cannot go denied.

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I love everything you write and am pretty excited for this. Thank you! :)

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Not sure if I'm more excited about the swords or the sandwiches, but happy to be here.

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I know this will be good!

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Forth Eorlingas

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VERY excited to be here as part of this!

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To quote Aragorn, son of Arathorn, progenitor of my (homo-)sexual awakening as a young teen watching the films for the first time: "There is always hope."

Your writing—even on the darkest subjects—gives me some hope and I so look forward to reading even more of it here. <3

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This is exciting. I will subscribe for money next month when my budget allows. Best of luck to you.

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No thanks, our family only subscribed to Barpod. We also don’t like liars.

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Like everyone else here, it appears, I'm very excited about Talia's venture and happy to support it. I always enjoy her writing. :)

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Hey babe - I'd encourage you not to confuse the anti-vax movement (which is indeed truly disturbing) in the U.S. with skepticism toward the COVID-19 vaccine. Most skepticism around the CV19 vaccine seems to be focused more on anti-mandate; which, as someone who is both vaccinated and a firm believer in science, I wholeheartedly agree with. And, too, the public health marketing around the CV19 vaccine was absolutely horrendous. The common people aren't really to blame for vaccine skepticism as much as the CDC and other public health officials are.

Similarly, I'd encourage you not to confuse criticism of gender ideology with transphobia. As we push back against right-wing extremism, it's important not to fall into the progressive pitfall of black-and-white thinking ourselves.

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Hey babe

Eat dung :)

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