This was lovely :) I just discovered your substack publication this AM, but this post was a scary relatable amalgamation of many of my disparate interests (tMG, Judaism, Cooking, Russian Lit). Very much looking forward to seeing more!

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I detest cooked beets – always have. But raw beets taste like slightly deranged carrots, which is OK with me. But here's the thing: my old boss, the one who grew up on the farm in Indiana, and went to war in China, and studied with Linus Pauling, and helped design the logic of the original Hewlett-Packard scientific pocket calculator (on his own time and for free), and who knew all the caves and cavers in the midwest, and pioneered new routes, and designed and built his own telescopes, musical instruments and human powered craft, and who wrote his own calculus textbook because he did not like the ones on the market, and who was a great humanitarian tho he'd not have called himself that...that guy my boss, said raw beets cause abortion. He learned that from his grandmother and had no reason to disbelieve.

So there's that...

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Beets were thought to induce labor for a long time, but there's no evidence for it.

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Yeah. I've never worked a day in my life for a beet.

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You are a deeply open-hearted and brilliant writer. I am awed by your love and and your power to express it. Not just here, but everywhere. This essay went directly into my soul. Thank you.

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